Musk issues a serious warning about social media and reveals a controversial secret


In the midst of the controversy surrounding the effects of…social media sites On the behavior of teenagers, and amid conflicting scientific studies that are still inconclusive in this field, American billionaire Elon Musk issued a warning of the dangers of these platforms to children.

The owner of the platform has approved “X” The famous (formerly Twitter) said during an intervention with the “Viva Technology” company, excerpts of which were published on his VX account yesterday evening, Thursday, that “many social media outlets are bad for children.”

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Musk pointed out, “There is intense competition between artificial intelligence programs used by various means of communication in order to increase dopamine to the maximum extent!”

Musk’s warnings come at a time when some scientific studies have linked social media applications, especially Tik Tok, to high rates of anxiety, depression, and suicide rates among teenagers.

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Studies have shown that the notifications that users receive for these applications, especially likes or positive comments, stimulate the secretion of the hormone dopamine in the brain, which prompts them to continue using them for what is called “instant gratification.”

However, some scientists deny this hypothesis, pointing out that social media is not responsible for raising the hormone dopamine, which is also known as the happiness hormone.

Musk’s warning comes as growing concerns are raised about the impact of social media on teenagers’ mental health.

Some parties call for the need to place restrictions on children’s use of these sites, while others call for increased awareness of their dangers.



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