Oman: Investigation operation continues after storm Shaheen, question of people’s health

Oman: Investigation operation continues after storm Shaheen, question of people's health
Oman: Investigation operation continues after storm Shaheen, question of people's health

All kinds of investigations are being done especially regarding food.

Efforts are on to bring stability to the areas affected by Hurricane Shaheen in Oman. All kinds of investigations are being done especially regarding food and drink. No one’s health will be jeopardized. The Food Safety and Quality Center (FSQC) investigation team is examining water samples from wells in cyclone Shaheen-affected areas to find out whether the water is potable or not.

Along with this, pollution is also being checked so that the safety of the people can be ensured.

FSQC has said in its statement that under the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources, pollution checks are also being done along with it so that the safety of the people can be ensured.



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