Saudi Arabia hosts the World Food Atlas discussion


The meeting will host those interested in discussing this Saudi initiative adopted by UNESCO to preserve, enhance and transfer food production methods to future generations.

The Culinary Arts Authority of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is organizing a remote open meeting for the World Food Atlas on Wednesday, April 3, 2024.

The meeting will host those interested in discussing these matters Saudi initiative Adopted by UNESCO to preserve, enhance and transfer food production methods to future generations.

The meeting will address several topics, including an introduction to the World Food Atlas and the Saudi Fund at UNESCO and its projects.

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It will also address the relationship between the World Food Atlas and the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, as well as the relationship between the five categories of cultural heritage and the culinary arts on which the Atlas initiative was based.

Furthermore, the meeting will discuss the expected returns to local communities from joining the World Food Atlas platform, as well as define the concept of the “Food Route.”

Last year, the Authority developed an initiative called “The International Food Atlas and Digital Platform to Preserve, Enhance and Transfer Foodways to Tomorrow’s Generations.”

This initiative seeks to preserve and document cultural heritage to ensure its sustainable transmission across generations.

This meeting comes as part of a series of open discussions organized periodically by the Authority, to serve as a communication channel to communicate with the culinary arts community in the Kingdom and those interested in this creative field.

These meetings aim to shed light on all topics related to this sector, share the authority’s visions and aspirations for its development, and listen to development ideas and proposals that enhance the culinary arts in the Kingdom in accordance with the authority’s objectives under the umbrella of the national program. Strategy for culture.



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