Saudi government gives big shocks to Hajj Zayarins, takes big step


The Saudi Arabian government has given a big push to applicants already facing costly Haj pilgrimage due to Corona M’hama’ari. Now every passenger will have to pay 130 riyals (about 2600 Indian rupees) as insurance premium. Apart from this, the government there will take 300 riyals (Rs 6000) for the Haj visa, which was free till now.

The Haj Committee of India had already warned that up to two lakh rupees may have to be spent over the last year. Every year around 3500 zarine go to Hajj from UP mandal. December 10 is the last date for the application of Hajj.

Due to Corona M’hama’ari many changes have been made in the Haj pilgrimage to be held next year. This is directly impacting the applicants. Each passenger will have to spend more than Rs 1.22 to 1.30 lakhs as compared to last year. The Haj Committee of India has recorded an estimated cost of Haj pilgrimage from Rs 3.70 to Rs 5.27 lakh on its website. Whereas in 2020, it was fixed at Rs 2.50 to 3.50 lakh.

Apart from this, separate money has to be paid for insurance premium and visa. Haj pilgrims have to deposit 1.5 lakh rupees in the account of Haj Committee of India as the first installment. Mohammad Shahabuddin, a member of the Khadimul Hujaz Committee, said that due to higher travel expenses, the number of applicants will decrease. Every hoi cannot spend Rs 1.5 lakh extra.

The Saudi government has increased the VAT rate from five to 15 percent. Living and eating in Mecca and Medina will also be expensive. Transportation cost will increase if following the rules of Kovid-19. In order to follow the physical distance, 15 people will be seated in the bus instead of 45. Apart from this, visa fees will also have to be paid which were not taken till now.

Also Read: All Indian expatriates whose Passport company or Sponsor has hired are being given EC, take it immediately.

Haj pilgrims will be required to undergo a corona test three days before departure on Haj. If the inquiry report comes back positive then the trip will be canceled. Women suffering from kidney, kidney, liver, cancer and heart disease will not be able to go on Haj pilgrimage.


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