Saudi Riyal To PKR: Today Riyal To Pakistan Rupee, 19th December 2020

SAR TO PKR, 31th December 2020: 1 Saudi Riyal Rate In Pakistan
SAR TO PKR, 31th December 2020: 1 Saudi Riyal Rate In Pakistan

Today Saudi Riyal to PKR buying exchange rate given below as per Open Market Pakistan and SAR to PKR selling exchange rate for 1 Saudi is PKR exchange rate updated here on gulf.informalnewz.

Saudi Riyal Rate In Pakistan

1 Saudi Riyal to Pakistani Rupee = 42.69

What is the rate of Riyal to PKR today?

Riyal to PKR buying rate is Rs 41 & Selling Rate is Rs 42.69 on, 19th December 2020.

Riyal to PKR Rate – Riyal to Pakistani Rupees- Do you looking for Riyal to PKR Rate Today? gulf.informalnewz provides updated currency Rates in Pakistan. Riyal to PKR rate fluctuates on daily basis. We update the rates on daily basis.

1 SAR 42.69 PKR

Also Read: SAR TO PKR, 17th December: Today Saudi Riyal Rate In Pakistan


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