Standing by the side of the road, the girl was taking a selfie, only then did the bear come from behind


A few days ago, such a video went viral on social media, seeing which people could not believe their eyes. Actually, a girl was standing on the road and taking a selfie. During this time, something happened that no one had any idea about that girl.

While the girl was taking a selfie, then a black colored bear comes there. He stands next to one of the girls taking a selfie. After watching the video, it seems that the bear is also taking selfie. This video became increasingly viral in social media recently. People liked this style of bear quite a lot

The video was reported from the South American country of Mexico. This incident took place in the spine-chilling of Chipink Ecological Park here. You can clearly see in the video that two girls were walking in the park earlier. During this time, both girls stand on the side of a road and start taking selfies. During this time a bear comes and stands there.

The bear first sniffs the girl. After this, when the girl starts taking selfie, then she also poses together. After taking the girl’s selfie, he inspects her and falls to the ground. During this, he does not even go away from it. The bear also tries to cut off the leg of the girl taking a selfie.

The video was shared by former NBA player Rex Chapman. More than 10 lakh people have watched this video so far. While sharing the video, ChapMap wrote the caption, “The girl’s nerves are made of steel. She took a selfie with such a big person. ” This is not the first time the bears of Chipinak Ecological Park have come in contact with humans.


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