UAE: Lost your birth certificate? How to get a new document


Ever been under the stress of frantically searching for your birth certificate right before an important legal process? Many residents could find themselves in this situation, especially those who were born before the digital era took off.

The Ministry of Health and Prevention offers a simple service for nationals as well as expats to issue a replacement for their lost birth certificate in the UAE. This can be accessed through the ministry’s website as well as mobile application.

In 2023, the authority announced the launch of a digital service for all residents, to apply for a new birth certificate online itself without any hassle, with documents being issued within one working day.

From requirements to fees, here is how residents can issue a replacement for their birth certificate.


To apply for a replacement for the lost certificate, applicants need to make sure that the following conditions are met:

  • The father or mother or an authorised delegated person must be present while applying for the replacement.
  • All documents that need to be submitted must be original. This includes the passports of the mother, father or the person concerned.
  • In case the applicant is residing outside of the country, the power of attorney of a representative is required in addition to the copy of original documents to receive the certificate.
  • If the applicant does not have any relatives residing in the UAE, the staff of the concerned consulate can receive the certificate. The applicant must submit a letter indicating the authorisation for that person to receive the replacement certificate on their behalf along with a stamp from the embassy.
  • Applicants must also submit a review of the status of the original certificate in order to issue a new one.

Documents required

The following documents are required to submit an application:

  • A copy of the birth certificate, if it exists.
  • Copies as well as originals of both father’s and mother’s passports and the concerned person’s passport.
  • In case of UAE nationals who may have lost their original birth certificate, a copy and original of the family book for nationals must be provided. If the mother is not a citizen, then her passport and valid residency permit are also required.


  • The application can be submitted through the e-system or through public health centres.
  • The fee can be paid on the application or through the centres.
  • Once the authority reviews the documents and original copies, the birth certificate will be issued.
  • After the certificate has been issued, it must be collected by the father or the applicant’s representative from the public health centre. Applicants may also receive an electronic copy by email.


It costs Dh65 to issue a replacement certificate in each Arabic and English.


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