UAE: Public schools to register expat students from April 4, fee capped at Dh6,000

UAE: Public schools to register expat students from April 4, fee capped at Dh6,000
UAE: Public schools to register expat students from April 4, fee capped at Dh6,000

The Emirates Schools Establishment has announced the registration of non-Emirati resident pupils would be carried out between April 4 and 15in public schools in the UAE for the academic year 2021-22.

The registration is open to all Grades till 12.

However, the enrolment for kindergarten (KG) 1 and 2 in public schools is only available for Emirati pupils. An exception has been made for those UAE residents who live in remote parts of Abu Dhabi emirate.

Emirati pupils’ registration process started on Sunday (March 7) and will continue till April 1.

In a recent circular, the establishment clarified that pupils must be four and five years old to enrol in KG-1 and 2, respectively. Similarly, for Grade-1, the cut-off age is between six and eight years.

The circular outlined several requirements for registering UAE resident pupils in public schools. They include a pupil’s performance must be distinguished with a grade which is not less than 85 per cent or its equivalent in three subjects such as Arabic, English and mathematics.

Also, the number of resident pupils admitted to public schools should not exceed 20 per cent of their total strength.

The tuition fees paid by resident pupils enroled in public schools has been capped at Dh6,000 for the entire academic year.

The circular also specified other requirements in public schools, including pupils residing in the vicinity of a school, compliance with the deadline for the registration process and adherence to other norms as stipulated by the authorities.


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