UAE travel luggage: Taking gifts back home? The value should not exceed Dh3,000

UAE travel luggage: Taking gifts back home? The value should not exceed Dh3,000
UAE travel luggage: Taking gifts back home? The value should not exceed Dh3,000

Travellers to and from the UAE are required to follow these customs procedures

Dubai: The UAE’s Federal Customs Authority (FCA) has issued an awareness guide on the value and type of items that travellers can bring in to the UAE or take with them when they travel abroad.

The awareness video, posted by the FCA on its official social media channels, highlighted the items that passengers can carry when they are travelling to or from the UAE.

Duty free and allowed luggage to carry with traveler

The following items can be carried without any duty levied:

• Radio and CD players along with CDs

• Video and digital cameras and their tapes for personal use

• Movie projection devices and relevant accessories

• Portable music instruments

• Telescopes

• Strollers

• Personal sports equipment

• Portable computers and printers

• TV and receiver one each

• Cellular phones

• Medication for personal use provided complying with applicable regulations

• Personal clothes toilet tools and luggage of personal nature

• Personal jewellery

• Special needs’ chairs and equipment

• Calculators

Conditions of exemption

However, carrying the above items comes with certain requirements:

• Traveller should not be frequently dealing with customs department or a trader of the substance in his possession.

• Gifts brought in with traveller shall not exceed Dh3,000.

• Luggage and gifts should be of personal nature, but in non-commercial quantities.

• Tobacco quantity should not exceed the permissible limit of chopped tobacco for smoking pipe tobacco, regular tobacco or hookah exceeding. In case of excess quantity, such quantity shall be subject to the prescribed duties.

• Alcoholic drinks of a value of up to Dh3,000.

• Tobacco products and alcoholic drinks may not be entered or exempted for a traveller below 18 years of age.

• Traveller should not be one of the crew of the transport means

Disclosure of cash amounts

All travellers arriving to or departing from the UAE need to disclose any currencies, negotiable monetary instruments, any precious metals and stones of more than Dh60,000 or equivalent in other currencies.

A traveller below 18 years old is not allowed to bring in or take out cash sums exceeding the set limit. Cash sums in their possession shall be added to the set limit of their parents.


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