Weather forecast: Cloudy and humid weather expected for coming days

Cloudy, humid weather expected for coming days

The National Center of Meteorology predicts weather over the coming few days to be cloudy and humid.

Below is a detailed weather forecast provided by the NCM for the coming five days:

– Wednesday: Humid over the coasts particularly westwards – Fair to partly cloudy periodically, some clouds will form east, as well as southwards and maybe convective by afternoon.

– Thursday: Humid weather over the coasts in morning. Fair to partly cloudy periodically, with rise in temperatures.

– Friday: Hot and fair to partly periodic clouds. Clouds will form east as well as southward, maybe convective by mid-day.

– Saturday: Fair to partially cloudy periodically – with a chance of convective clouds north and eastwards extending over some internal areas by mid-day, associated with some rainfall.

– Sunday: Cost would be humid by morning with a probability of mist formation – Fair to partly cloudy periodically. Temperatures is expected to decrease especially westwards.

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