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Home Latest News Webinar to look at future of education

Webinar to look at future of education


Experts from the industry have been gathered for event, which will take place on Thursday, August 27 from 2pm to 3pm

As students prepare to physically return to school for the first time since March, there are many questions needing answered – whether face-to-face or online learning is preferable? How are authorities and schools managing the risks? And what health and safety protocols are being put in place?

These questions and more will be answered in The Future of Education Webinar, which is being hosted by ITP Media on Thursday, August 27 from 2pm to 3pm.

A team of top professionals have been gathered from The Lighthouse Centre for Wellbeing, Gems Education and Time Out Kids, to discuss the latest developments and the best way forward.

A spokesperson for ITP Media said: “Join us as we discuss the future of education whilst the world adapts to create a new normal during a global pandemic. Covid-19 has meant that schools, colleges and universities across the world have had to look at, and transform, the way they deliver education.

“After hundreds of years of children being educated in a way that has followed similar, tried and tested methods, characterised by face-to-face information sharing and learning in classrooms, alongside being tested on recall in exams, teaching has been forced to adapt.”




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