F1 driver Pierre Gasly leaves Dubai after two-months, promises to be back soon

F1 driver Pierre Gasly departs Dubai after two-months, with promise to return soon

Dubai: Alpha Tauri driver Pierre Gasly has at last departed from Dubai. Although he promised that he will be return soon.

The 24-year-old Gasly had to live for two months in Dubai after he came here after the cancellation of the season-opening Australian Grand Prix on March 15.

Gasly’s base is in Italy, but sadly due to the coronavirus lockdown all airports in Italy were shut. He had an option to go back to his native France, but he chose not to travel and put his parents at risk.

So, the driver chose to extend his stay in Dubai along with his trainer.

Read More: https://gulfnews.com/sport/motorsport/covid-19-f1-driver-pierre-gasly-departs-dubai-after-two-months-with-promise-to-return-soon-1.71712999


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