Police disclosed big details about Sushant Singh Rajput’s death, many important things came to light


Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput committed suicide by hanging himself in his apartment in Bandra, Mumbai on 14 June.

new Delhi. Sushant Singh Rajput (Sushant Singh Rajput), who has been in the headlines for his suicide, is still in the limelight, even today people are not able to easily trust the actor’s death that Sushant singh rajput ) How can a cheerful cheerful artist commit suicide. Sushant singh rajput postmortem postmortem report has stated that death is the cause of suicide, but the results which have been revealed in the investigation of police (Sushant Singh Rajput death investigation) are likely to reveal many more things.

If sources are to be believed, pieces of bathrobe have been found on the ground of the hanging room of the actor Sushant Singh Rajput death investigation, on the basis of this, the police suspect that it may happen that Sushant singh rajput suicide squad. ) May have attempted suicide earlier, but that attempt may have failed. Police investigation has revealed that Sushant may have used the bathrobe in his bathroom earlier as a snare, but his first attempt may have failed due to its breakdown.

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Let me tell you, the clothes kept in the wardrobe of Sushant Singh Rajput were found scattered. In such a situation, it is feared that due to the breaking of the bathrobe, Sushant must have searched for the rope in the cupboard, then later removed the green kurta which was made by Suhant (sushant singh rajput suicide squad). Sources also believe that before the police reached Sushant’s house, his sister and other people in the room had taken down the body of Sushant Singh by cutting the green kurta made from the noose. The police had sent him for a forensic test about that green kurta. Police are trying to find out whether the kurta was capable of lifting the weight of any one person.

On 14 June, Bollywood star Sushant Singh Rajput committed suicide by hanging himself in his Bandra home. Sushant’s death was reported to the police by the domestic helper of Sushant. Police had earlier described the incident as a case of suicide.



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