Recipe: Gluten-free no-bake chocolate cookies with coconut cream


A light dessert to make at home, if you want an alternative Ramadan treat

Learn how to make this delicious and light dessert cooked up by the team at Marks and Spencer.


Serves 6

• 2 tbsp coconut cream

• 125g Made Without Wheat Gluten-free Porridge Oats

• 60g smooth peanut butter

• 50ml milk

• 60g butter

• 2 tbsp cocoa

• 175g light muscovado sugar


1. Put the sugar, cocoa, butter and milk in a saucepan and stir over a gentle heat until the sugar has dissolved

2. Turn up the heat and boil for 2 minutes

3. Remove from the heat and stir in the peanut butter until melted and smooth

4. Stir in the oats and leave to cool for 10 minutes

5. Line a baking sheet with baking parchment

6. Divide the mixture into 12 and spoon onto the baking sheet, flattening down a little to form cookie shapes

7. Chill for 2 hours, until firm

8. Spread a little coconut cream over half the cookies, then sandwich together with the remaining ones

9. Store in an airtight container in the fridge

Ingredients are available from Marks & Spencer food halls, with selected lines also on the M&S Food app


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