If you want to sleep soundly, then know about these myths


Actually, there are many such things related to sleep which are not true but are very important for our health. A person spends one-third of his life just sleeping. Despite this, sleep still remains a mysterious world for us.

Sleep is very important for our health, mood and body development. Our next morning begins with irritability and lethargy when sleep is not complete. Sometimes it goes on, but if it happens for a long time then it has a profound effect on our work capacity and performance. Not only this, lack of sleep can also cause serious health problems, This includes a heart attack and an increase in early mortality. Scientists studying sleep habits and related health problems say that it is very important to make the common people aware of good sleep. Recently, a new study published in the journal Sleep Health revealed that people lack proper information about sleep and they believe that the misconceptions are true. In their study, scientists made a detailed list of sleep misconceptions that included more than 20 myths. These myths were divided into two categories based on their distinct characteristics. First, how much truth was there in these myths related to sleep, and second, what effect do they have on our health? We are telling you about 4 such most harmful and most common myths included in the list. But it was divided into two categories. First, how much truth was there in these myths related to sleep, and second, what effect do they have on our health? We are telling you about 4 such most harmful and most common myths included in the list. But it was divided into two categories. First, how much truth was there in these myths related to sleep, and second, what effect do they have on our health? We are telling you about 4 such most harmful and most common myths included in the list.

Myth 01. 5 hours of sleep is enough to stay healthy.
Researchers have called this sleep-related myth the most harmful myth based on their studies. He says that most adults feel that for them to sleep normally for 5 hours or less, they will be healthy. While in reality it is not so. Constant sleeping less and abnormal sleep cycle or lack of sleep have far-reaching harmful effects on our body. Doing so increases the risk of high blood pressure and heart attack. At the same time, the efficiency of our brain decreases and we can also become a victim of depression. Not only this, continuously getting less sleep also increases the risk of diabetes and obesity. The American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that adults get at least seven to nine hours of sleep.

Myth 02. Sleep before watching TV before bed
has surprised the researchers quite a lot, how can watching sleep before sleeping help sleep? Scientists say that electronic gadgets such as mobiles, laptops, TVs should not be used at all for at least an hour before bedtime. Researchers say that the blue light emitted from these devices is the enemy of our sleep. Because it gives a message to the brain that it does not have to sleep and our mind is forced to wake up even if it is not wanting.

Myth 03. Sleep cannot be replenished during the day
Researchers found that people who sleep during the day to complete the night’s sleep, consider it good for health. But this is not the case. Actually our body is used to sleep and wake up after sunrise and sunset. It is very important to maintain this rhythm. So in terms of your health it doesn’t matter how much you sleep during the day. The study’s authors state that individuals who work in night shifts often complain of circadian rhythm (SCARDIAN RHYTHEM) de-synchronization and low-quality sleep. In addition, they are also high risk of other health problems including depression and diabetes. The study’s author, Rebbecca Robinson, says that those who do duty at night or are constantly awake show signs of health risk cluster.

Myth 04. Closing the eyes is not sleep;
Researchers also said that just keeping quiet with eyes closed is not sleep. It is like lying to yourself. While doing this we will feel that we are feeling relaxed even if you are not feeling sleepy. Researchers have considered this myth to be majorly inaccurate and potentially harmful. Actually, when we sleep naturally, organs like our brain, heart and lungs work differently, while in the state of being awake they work differently. So if you are lying on the bed blindly, it does not mean that you are sleeping because your body is still awake.

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Myth 05. Anytime sleeping anywhere is a sign of health, there is
also a confusion among people that if a person is able to sleep anytime and anywhere, then it is a sign of healthy sleep. Actually there is nothing like that. Actually, a healthy body takes only a few minutes to sleep. But this habit of sleeping people as soon as they go to bed may also indicate that they are lacking enough sleep. This may sound like a God gift to many, but thinking deeply we will find that sleeping immediately on air travel or office meetings clearly means that we are struggling with lack of sleep. This is a very dangerous myth because we feel that we are healthy when this does not happen.

Myth 06. Smoking before sleeping leads to good sleep,
often some people prefer to smoke before sleeping at night, drinking alcohol or any other form of intoxication or by drinking old cough medicine. Their belief is that this will make them sleep well. But in fact, it increases the possibility of a worse start the next morning. This is not only wrong but it is also very dangerous in terms of health. It really is like a terrible punishment for sleep. This habit can cause sleep apnea.

Myth 07.
There is no shortage of people in this world who think that mind-body can be trending to work with less sleep . Such thinkers feel that with a little rigorous training they can trend their body and mind to work continuously despite getting less sleep and avoid the consequences of insufficient sleep. We can work longer with less sleep by drinking hot coffee between air condition. But actually it is not at all because science works contrary to our theory. Therefore, sleeping less than 5 to 6 hours does not leave the body of any use soon.

yth 08. It does not matter to snoring a partner, the snoring of a
life partner, partner or friend or siblings at bedtime does not disturb our sleep or has any significant effect on our health. If you think so, then you are completely wrong. Loud snoring is actually one of the most common symptoms of sleep apnea. It is a disorder in which a person may also breath while sleeping. Snoring also indicates that the air passage through our nose is blocked while sleeping at night. However, not all snoring is a sign of sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea affects the quality of sleep. So if you snore vigorously, as well as if you are suffering from fatigue or lack of sleep, sleeping between snoring is not a healthy option for you. When overweight or obese, there is an increased risk of sleep apnea among individuals with other poor health conditions, including high blood pressure or smoking


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