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Home Finance The UAE fines those who fail to register for corporate tax

The UAE fines those who fail to register for corporate tax


An administrative fine will be applied to persons who do not comply with submitting registration applications for corporate tax within the time periods specified by the Federal Tax Authority in the Emirates.

She called Federal Tax Authority in the UAE Subject resident legal persons For corporate tax Holders of licenses issued during the months of March and April must submit applications for registration for corporate tax no later than June 30, 2024 (regardless of the year the licenses were issued) to avoid violating tax legislation.

In a press statement today, the Authority stressed the need to adhere to its Resolution No. (3) of 2024, which entered into force on March 1, 2024, and specified the time periods within which categories of those subject to corporate tax must submit registration applications.

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The Authority explained that pursuant to Cabinet Resolution No. 75 of 2023 regarding administrative fines for violations related to the implementation of Federal Decree Law No. 47 of 2022 regarding corporate and business tax and its amendments, an administrative fine will be applied to persons who are not committed to submitting registration applications for corporate tax within the time periods specified in Authority decision.
She indicated that, according to the Authority’s decision, the specified periods for submitting registration applications for persons subject to corporate tax include legal persons and natural persons (residents and non-residents).

The Authority explained that a resident natural person who carries out business or business activity in the country during the calendar year 2024, or subsequent years, and whose total revenues during a calendar year exceed one million UAE dirhams; He must submit a registration application for corporate tax no later than March 31 of the following calendar year. On this basis, the maximum limit for submitting registration applications for resident natural persons who conduct business or business activity in the country during the calendar year 2024 and whose total revenues during the year 2024 exceed one million dirhams. UAE on March 31, 2025.

The Authority added that a non-resident natural person who carries on business or business activity during the calendar year 2024 or subsequent years and whose total revenues exceed one million UAE dirhams must submit a registration application for corporate tax within a maximum of three months from the date on which the conditions for subjection are met. For corporate tax.




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